Magda Bielesz/ La Leyenda

Magda Bielesz trajo consigo hacia Argentina desde su tierra, Polonia, una maleta llena de retazos de ropa de su familia. No son simples telas, son trozos de la propia historia tal como ella la concibe, una constelación de identidades simbólicas: parentescos, historias, recuerdos propios o transmitidos, mitos.
 No es la clase de artista que abre inmediatamente las puertas al azar, pero sin duda su trabajo nace de la voluntad de abrir ventanas a la propia vida y experiencia. Así, siendo la constitución familiar su material primario e intangible, nos lo presenta transformado por medio de sus minuciosas construcciones plásticas, una verdadera poética de la pertenencia.
En “La Leyenda” aborda el color con firmeza, ya sea para presentarnos una gran pieza de lana tejida cual cordón umbilical, símbolo inequívoco de lazo familiar, como en pinturas de plan esquemático que remiten tanto a la percepción de los colores en su vida diaria, como a los que encontró en La Plata a su llegada a la residencia. Quizá, consciente o inconscientemente, a través del juego de colores Magda encarna la visión de su tatarabuelo al llegar a Argentina hacia fines del siglo XIX para volverse luego de 5 años, seguramente con algún color nuevo grabado en su retina. 
Y sus líneas negras sobre blanco… tal vez una acción certera para transmitirnos una noción de frontera, de punto de quiebre, de límite entre las propias raíces y la propia vida, utilizando edificios antiguos para señalar metafóricamente a través de su continuidad, la interacción entre lo basal oculto y lo emergente vital.
De tal modo, Magda nos invita a asomarnos a su vida (sus vidas) para experimentar el tiempo en forma ciertamente ampliada.

The Legend
Magda Bielesz brought a suitcase full of pieces of her family's clothes to Argentina from her homeland, Poland. They are not simple fabrics; they are pieces of her own story as she conceives it, a constellation of symbolic identities: kinships, stories, own or transmitted memories, myths.
She is not the kind of artist that immediately opens the doors to chance, but without a doubt, her work is born from the will to open windows to her own life and experience. Thus, being the family constitution her primary and intangible material, she presents it transformed through meticulous constructions, a true poetic of belonging.
In "The Legend" she approaches the color firmly, either to present us a large piece of woven wool such as an umbilical cord, an unequivocal symbol of family ties, as well as schematically planed paintings that refer to the perception of colors in her daily life, as well as to the ones she found in La Plata upon arrival to the residence. Perhaps, consciously or unconsciously, through the play of colors Magda embodies the vision of her great-great-grandfather when he arrived in Argentina around the end of the 19th century to return Poland after 5 years, probably with some new colors engraved on his retina.
And her black lines on white ... perhaps an accurate action to convey a notion of border, of a break point, of a boundary between one's roots and life itself, using old buildings to metaphorically point out, through their continuity, the interaction between the hidden basal and the vital emergent.
Thus, Magda invites us to peek out into her life (her lives) to experience time in a truly expanded way.
Let's accompany her.

Rafa Santos/ Curador-Curator

Magdalena  Bielesz is a painter, author of films, objects and installations.Graduate of the Faculty of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, diploma at the Guest Atelier of Leon Tarasewicz (2002).
Her works concern private areas, dreams and memories. She gets inspiration from childhood, more and more filtered through her imagination.
Her works can be found in the collection of, among others, The Institute of Art History University of Warsaw, Zachęta - National Art Gallery Warsaw Poland, National Museum (branch of the museum under construction - NOMUS) in Gdańsk Poland, Imago Mundi - Benetton Foundation in Italy, at the SONS Museum, Kruishoutem in Belgium, Museum of New Art in Detroit US, International Museum of Women in San Francisco US, Istanbul Museum of Contemporary Art in Turkey.