Florence To/ SEIRYN / octubre 2023

 The project SEIRYN is a live performance with modular synthesis and self-built sound sculptures, combining the research developed during an artist residency at Residencia Corazón with field recordings from the Ecological  Reserve in La Plata.Exploring the areas around the Rio de la Plata Riverbank will encourage a better knowledge of the city's eco system as well as the recording of the living biodiverse environment as a method of data collection through fieldwork. The research will be used to develop and build a composition using field recordings from various bird species to dissect parts and influence new structures from the sounds studied. SEIRYN is questioning how we can build intersectional realities within language and generate playful processing functions from both human and avian semantics. A performance that experiments with live synthesis, incorporating field recordings weaved into abstract poems where vowels are playfully expanded as an expression of breath and resonance, evolving into rhythmical gestures. The sound performance by artist Florence To will experiment with live synthesis, incorporating field recordings of bird calls weaved into Cantonese poems. The poems are abstract, where the vowels are playfully expanded as an expression of breath and resonance, evolving into rhythmical gestures of birds and machines through harmonic oscillations. It is an exploration of intersectional sonic elements and the development of inventive processes to perceive communication through multiple elements of tonal language. SEIRYN is a poetic conversation bringing the identity of communication and integrity as anintersectional discourse.

Florence To is a multidisciplinary artist who creates sound and light installations, generative motion graphics, and scenographies with an architectural approach to spatial design. The Scottish-born Hong Kong artist researches psychoacoustics and phonetics, merging cognitive and emotional behaviours, in order to develop multidimensional processes in her practice. Her work aims to break down the barriers that exist between various artistic disciplines and foster multifaceted exchanges among communities within creative practices. She has established residencies and commissions globally, such as with the Berliner Festspiele, STRP Eindhoven, and Mass MoCA in Massachusetts, and has collaborated with sound artists Jlin, Felicia Atkinson, Rafael Anton Irisarri, and Drew McDowall.
